A YOUNG MAN in his late teens sits alone at a table. He is dressed in jeans and a t-shirt, and is wearing glasses. The room is large and mostly dark. A shadowy corner holds a big-screen TV, a couch, and some chairs in a conversational grouping. The only light in the room is over the table where the man sits. He is working on some sort of art project, painstakingly cutting shapes out of a material with an exacto knife and affixing them to a piece of wood in a mosaic style.
The man is wearing earbuds, bobbing his head slightly to unheard music as he works.
Slowly, he sits up straight and places his knife on the table in front of him. Looking confused, he removes her earbuds and places them on the table. Faint music can be heard.
The man turns his head and lifts his face, as if turning his attention to a person standing next to his table. A pause, and then:
(nodding slightly)
Yes, I understand. I will take care of it.
He takes off his glasses, carefully folding in the earpieces before placing them on the front of the table, away from his art supplies. He turns his attention back to the project in front of him and picks up his knife. He grips the blade in his fist by the end of the handle.
With one swift, unbroken movement he drives the blade of the exacto knife deep into his own eye until its progress is impeded by his fist.
A brief pause, then the body slumps forward, his face coming to rest turned sideways against the tabletop, the eye with the embedded knife on top. Blood leaks from the wound, pooling around the contours of his eye like tears and spilling slowly across his face and onto the table.
The light above the table goes out.
Superimposed over the black screen we see the words “Death Dorm” in large red letters.
Lonely No More
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