Category: Divorce

There Ain’t No Good Plans for Me

Navigating life’s challenges is tough, especially when the path forward seems blocked by external factors. Despite facing soul-crushing jobs and a toxic past relationship, I’m determined to chase my dreams of becoming a screenwriter. The journey is hard, but the potential reward is immense.

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The Me Inside My Head

It’s a terrible feeling, not belonging anywhere, only being tolerated for conforming to the expectations of others. My journey to authenticity has been a struggle, especially raising privileged children while confronting my own past of poverty and suppression. Yet for all that I currently feel hopeless, I am working harder than ever to bring the me that lives inside my head to life.

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Love from the Apocalypse

Forty was a devastating year. Betrayal, loss, and disillusionment consumed me. Now, at forty-one, I face an uncertain future, but I write for my children, hoping to inspire the young to fight for a better world to prevent the incipient apocalypse.

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